Monthly Archives: September 2016

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Wingtips / Lights (1)

My first foray into fiberglass is modifying the wingtips to accept special inserts for the AeroLED VX landing lights and Pulsar PS position/strobe lights.

imgp6848imgp6852Measure twice…





imgp6854Cut once, twice, three times…





imgp6857imgp6856Inserts rough fit in the new openings.





imgp6863imgp6865Layout of West resin system components.





imgp6874imgp6885imgp6884Mix, and brush on both surfaces.





imgp6890imgp6894Position insert and cleco together.





imgp6897imgp6903Fill inside edge with remaining resin to ease the sharp angle (will help later when fiberglass cloth is applied). Let this combination dry overnight.




imgp6907Now add three layers of fiberglass cloth on the inside to reinforce the insert seams. Let this cure overnight.





imgp6910Fill in the outside gaps, let cure overnight, then sand roughly smooth.





imgp6912imgp6914Position template, drill adjustment holes and rough fit the taped landing light lens to the initial opening. Sand, sand and more sand until lens fits perfectly in the opening with sufficient clearance for later alignments with airplane axis.




imgp6915Rough fit is done, need some additional build-up in certain areas. This will be done later.





imgp6920imgp6934Place pivot point and drill fastening holes.





imgp6933imgp6937The internal section of the pivot is stuffed with a cotton plug. Use E6000 structural adhesive to hold the pivot point, plus add pop rivets for additional stability. The cotton keeps the adhesive from filling the pivot cavity.




imgp7027Build-up needed, as the dimensions of the fiberglass inserts obtained from AeroLED is very poor.  The left side is a good 1/4″ bigger top-bottom and 1/4″ left-right compared to the other side.





imgp6922imgp6927Measure the lexan lens for rough cutting. Use a dremel tool for approximate size, then hand sand to closer dimensions. Electrical tape is applied around the edges to prevent scratching during the fit process.




imgp7031The fit process took a long time with hand sanding.  The edges still protruded a bit from the wing surface.





imgp7033imgp7034AWLFAIR 8020 resin and AWLFAIR 7007 red hardener are 1:1 mixed together to create a creamy fairing compound. Tape covers the entire lens.




imgp7035Coat number one is applied to the fitted lens.






imgp6930An additional job for the week is rounding over some cable fairings.  A dime was perfectly sized for measuring the distances.