Wing Attachment (1) (Paint)

Painting the wings required about three weeks of preparation, surface treatment, and priming prior to paint application.

Custom wing rotisseries were created by Terry G. specifically for RV wings.  I created some special attach plates to directly accommodate the RV10 wing bolt patterns. Here the wings are mounted, scuffed with maroon Scotchbrite pads, and treated with Prekote before priming with DesoPrime Grey.



Prior to scuffing the wings I fitted the outboard side of the wing root fairings, but made a mistake by dimpling one of the nutplate holes in the wrong location. The nutplate still went on fine, but did not align perfectly with the pre-drilled holes in the Vans cover piece.  In the long term this is not a big issue, especially since this area will be covered by wing walk material anyway.  However, it was aggravating not to have paid close enough attention to the plans.


Fastener holes for the flaps and ailerons are filled with ear plugs or electrical tape to prevent covering with primer or paint.




After initial prime and paint a few runs and poor coverage were discovered.  As a result the wings were wet sanded with 600 grit, then repainted.  The final results were very good.




Here the wings were ready for the move to the airport.  They had been painted 2 weeks before and were allowed to cure completely before being taken on the highway.





The original quality of the HS tip bulkhead paint did not meet expectations.  So while there was extra paint available from repeat covering the wings, I decided to redo the ends.  Here the ends are shown sanded and ready for another coat of primer and paint.

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