The Thanksgiving week was used to prepare an adjustable platform for two remote AHARS units. My current plans are to the Dynon products for most of the avionics. Dynon calls for the platform to be within one (1) degree of the centerline and one (1) degree from the horizontal level. The centerline issue should be relative straightforward, but the horizontal can only be determined accurately after the plane is flying. As a result, the adjustable table would make later configuration much easier.
First is layout the basic parts after measuring, cutting, sanding, and scotchbrite.
Next is center punch, center drill and initial drill on the drill press using a floating press vice.
Here the .063 table sheet is match drilled to reinforcing brackets. The intention is have long #6 brass screws in the four corners with aluminum washers as spacers to achieve the final one degree angle.
Match drill the side brackets to the tailcone longerons.
The 2mm paracord down the centerline of the plane is used to properly position the AHARS frame.
Match drill and cleco the frame to the side brackets.
And finally… align the adjustable table with the centerline and mark for drilling the brass screw holes. I will do this later on the drill press to get a good perpendicular hole between the table and the frame. The final spacing washers will be installed once the AHARS remote units are purchased and their table mounting holes are drilled.