Elevator Preparation (2)

This week’s work centered around match drilling all skins and spars.  A number of miscellaneous small parts and jigs were also completed.

IMGP4380The gusset pieces in the corners reinforce the elevator at the rear spar and root rib junction. After the skin were clecoed in place, this whole assembly was very rigid, amazing for being made from such thin parts.




IMGP4386Here everything is clecoed together, ready for the evenings of match drilling of the skins to spars and ribs.  Eric helped on all these.





IMGP4392The trim tab has foam blocks attached with ProSeal compound instead of ribs/rivets like the rest of the elevator. The wooden blocks will be used to hold the skins in place against the foam ribs while the adhesive drys.




IMGP4395IMGP4396Here the hinge for the trim tabs are fitted and drilled to the upper rear spar flange. Eventually the excess length will be removed, but the extra pin length will be secured with safety wire.

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