Over the Thanksgiving week off the focus was finishing major elements of the cabin cover.
The first step was complete match drilling the mid-skins to the cabin cover.
Next was clamp the rear door frames to the bulkheads and match drill for #10 countersunk screws.
Here the right side has been drilled and clecoed into place.
Now for the forward door frames. The gusset is clecoed to the bulkhead, but match drilling for the #10 screws to the fiberglass frame goes through about 1/4″ of empty space. According to the plans, this space will have structural filler applied.
Getting the fiberglass trimmed for the front deck took quite some time. (between initial Dremel tool sanding and hand filing).
Next was measure the door jam bottom, then drill #19 holes for #8 countersunk screws.
Check for size, then countersink with an angle tool.
The final product looks pretty good.
Now rough fit the center console brace. Overall starting to look like an airplane.